Thursday, May 1, 2014

Life at the Fraternity House; Final Project Multiple Me.

This is something you see often as many brothers play golf

It is not common but sometimes you are able to see a brother smoking a cigar to celebrate an occasion like a birthday. 

A lot of the times you can see brothers just relaxing in the front yard enjoying the day.

This is a game in which many brothers play and can be seen during the weekends it is called snappa

Some brothers enjoy to challenge themselves mentally so some play chess

When we are trying to party hard we break this out

A little mini game we play when we have nothing to do Redneck golf

a Philanthropy event that we hold in which we raise money for charity is called fight night where we set up fights for people to watch

During the week when nothing is happening we usually sit around and play 2K14

every once in awhile a brother will fall asleep on the couch and depending on our mood we might mess with them.

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