Friday, April 11, 2014

last chance

Lenscratch 2/14
The Blue Mitchell Mixtape by Aline Smithson
Blue Mitchell by Scott Henjum 
by Blue Mitchell 

The blog is set up in away where it is interview of the artist. As it has them asking Blue different questions.

I was interested in the title as i thought the  artist had a cool name and the picture the on i chose above really interested me in the way it looked. the article is about the life of Blue Mitchell and the way he gets his inspiration. it truly interested me as it showed why and how he got his artwork. 

 Conscientous 2/21
Paolo Woods: Contemporary photographers by Joerg Coleberg
By Paolo Woods
The article isnt much as it  is set up to just link us to the sight.

The article caught my attention by the photo they had by Paolo woods as it was something that looked different. the article is about the artist website. I was disinterested because didnt really describe anything.

My world


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