Friday, February 28, 2014

class photoshop triptic

working in Photoshop today

Blog review 2/28


State of Our Art, According to Whitney
A Guide to the 2014 Whitney Museum Biennial
by: Carol Vogel

 The layout of this blog is that of an informative blog as it tells us about the Whitney Museum and the layout of the museum.

The reason i chose this article was because of the picture above as the color just stood out to me and caught my eye. The article was about an museum and how you should go through it. it was not that really interesting as the picture made it as it was more informative then anything.

Self-Portrait and Portraits of Others

Chilling on a bench by:Sean Pierce
 This is a portrait a of my Friend Paul just lazing around on a bench outside of a park

Midday Nap by:Sean Pierce

 This is a portrait of my cousin and her friend taking a midday nap on the living room couch

Night by the Fire by: Sean Pierce
This is a portrait of people just hanging around a bon fire late at night.

 Lanes of Friends by: Sean Pierce
This is a portrait of my best friend Stazia as we went bowling.

Shaved in the country: by Sean Pierce
This is a portrait of me at the barn when I just got my new hair cut

Friday, February 14, 2014

Blog review 2


portraits continued

By Antonin Kratochvil

I chose this portrait because of the eerie feeling that the picture gives you with the blurred background and the focus on the girl in the middle of the picture
By Francesco Scavullo

 I chose this Portrait because of the way he was able to use the colors and lighting to bring out the features of the woman


By: Steve Mcurry
I Chose this Portrait by Steve Mcurry because of its ability to use contrasting colors to make the subjects eye's to really stand out, I also chose it as I new of this portrait before this class as my dad showed it to me before.
By Eve Arnold

I chose this portrait of Malcolm X because this was something I learned in history last semester that truly caught my interest. This also shows how great of a speaker Malcolm was as the crowd behind him is giving support.


By Edouard Boubat
I chose this portrait as it truly caught my attention as I've always been interested by the Sea, and thought old sea captains where some of the great pictures